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Practicing Taekwondo is not only fun, it's also beneficial to your health!

Learning Self Defence

Everything we do in class has Self Defence benefits  and  applications and prepares us to defend ourselves should the need arise.

The fundamental movements and movements in patterns all have practical purposes. Even the novice student who learns the basic blocks and straight punches and front kick has the rudiments of self -defence.  


More advanced techniques include using the elbow, knee, fingertip strikes to eye, pressing kicks, back fist, knife hand strikes and arc hands.


We learn how to use our body as a weapon to attack an opponent from various directions. We learn the pressure points to know where to attack to do the most effective damage.


No other form of exercise is so complete in developing and conditioning the body. It develops cardiovascular fitness, strength, speed and flexibility. All the components of fitness are included.


Taekwondo also develops lean functional muscle, not the body builder's artificial muscle, and leads to excellent flexibility. The art is renowned around the world for its spectacular high kicks.


The stances develop strong legs and good balance and patterns, when performed correctly, develop overall body strength and cardiovascular fitness.

The plyometric exercises in modern strength and conditioning coaching have been practiced in Taekwondo since its inception in 1955 with all the jumping kicks we learn and perform.


Another benefit is that we can pass on the skills we have developed through teaching others. Teaching is very rewarding when you see a student who begins Taekwondo with you developing.

One of a coach's greatest experiences in Taekwondo is to witness their students pass their first grading, or to watch them at tournaments earn their first medals. 

Taekwondo, with its emphasis on the tenets of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self- control and indomitable spirit and the promotion of the “do”, helps to create a peaceful and just society.

ITF Taekwon-do is a lifelong journey and adventure, from beginner to Master. It provides more benefits to the practitioner than any other art can.


Teakwondo practitioners do several types of sparring. 

Step sparring is a type of pre-arranged sparring between two practitioners that follows specific sequences;

Free sparring is the closest we can get in training to actual self-defence because we are facing a live opponent.  It is the equivalent to the soldier practising field exercises in simulated combat conditions. 

Free sparring also challenges us to overcome our fears when facing an opponent who is bigger than us or more experienced than us.


However, only specific techniques can be used in free sparring due to safety considerations.


For the elite athlete and competitive person Taekwondo competition provides the opportunity for us to compete against other people all over the world and tests our skills. Taekwondo competition provides a sport element to complement the art.

For those good enough to compete on the international level it gives us the opportunity and honour to represent our national country in competition.


The global Taekwondo family also gives us the chance to travel the world and attend seminars, training camps, courses and competitions in places where we would never go otherwise. 

The common identity of ITF Taekwondo enables us to meet people and develop friendships with people of all races and creed and nationality. 


One of the mental benefits we develop in Taekwondo is visualisation.


Every time we practice a pattern we are using techniques against an imaginary opponent. We also develop the ability to focus and work towards goals whether it is our next grading or a competition or a technique we want to improve.

Taekwondo is hugely beneficial for developing confidence in all age groups. Every time we pass a grading, participate in a competition, break a board, improve a technique we are developing confidence in our ability.

We learn that discipline and hard work are our friends which bring us closer to our goals.

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